For example , they had a verbal battle with foreigners , propaganda the proposals of abrogating unequal treaties and realizing the china ' s independent and liberation , conveyed good intentions promoting the friendship between the chinese people and foreigners , etc . generally speaking , the chinese people paid close attention to diplomacy and activly participated diplomacy in the 1920s . they had made a remarkalbe achievement 第四,聚焦20年代民间的外交出访,重点考察1926年中国实业代表团赴日访问,及民间人士参加亚细亚民族大会、太平洋国交讨论会的情况,包括他们与外国人士唇枪舌剑,宣传中国人民废除不平等条约、实现中国独立与解放的主张,表达增进中外人民间友谊的良好愿望等。